
Learn more about GES Systems savings!

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Your Benefits

What are the benefits of using the Ventilation Management Solution?

The below benefits are great; in addition, we really need to discuss your specific barn requirements and use our tools to run:  cost savings, payback timeframes, disease reduction and rebates.  Please call or email us to save money!  It will also make you more money by having healthier livestock!  REAL Benefits Include:ema-screen

  • Soft-Starting fan Motor(s)
    • You’ll be able to start up to 100 HP of fans in unison with minimal current inrush and slowly ramp up to the optimal speed.
    • Lower Peak Demand and the ability to set the maximum power consumed by your system.
    • No more burnt belts or broken tensioners (for a real solution, see our Direct Drive fan kits).  Smooth starts make these components last considerably longer than when started with relays at full thrust.
    • Smooth starts extend the life of all components
  • Automated Volume and Speed Control:
    • One of the greatest benefits to the health and comfort of your animals is the ability to control the volume and speed of all the fans.  This creates a uniform airflow throughout the entire barn all year round.
    • Creates a uniform airflow throughout the entire facility
    • Minimum ventilation above stalls is possible to keep stall surfaces and bed tops dry and air fresh
  • Solid State Phase Converting:
    • Because a Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) is a solid state phase converter, it has no moving parts to break down or replace.  You can easily run our systems using single phase input (must feed a 3 phase motor).
  • Dramatic monthly cost savings up to 70%
  • Uniform airflow helps to keep facility surfaces dry
  • Healthier animals due to year round enhanced environmental control
  • Ability to overdrive fan speed when needed while maintianing manufacturer motor tolerances

Touch Screen Interface

  • Allows easy customization for your specific facility
  • Real time monitoring showing how the system is performing
  • Manual override via touch screen, physical potentiometer

Find out which fan system is the right choice for you
